Robin hooks into the meeting room's calendar to show you if the room is available or what is upcoming.

If the room is available it the iPad will display a green background and tell you how long it is available for:

You will see here that it shows it is available all day in this example.  At the bottom, It will show what events are coming up and there is a button you can touch to start an impromptu meeting.

If there is a meeting coming up soon, the iPad will display a yellow background: 

Here you see that there is a meeting in the room that should have started (as well at the bottom you can see what is coming up next).  If this is your meeting there is a "Check In" button to start your meeting.

If there is a meeting in the room the iPad will display a red background:

Here you will see what meeting is in the room, and what is coming up next.  There are also two buttons: Extend Meeting (if your meeting is running long you can come out and basically add time like a parking meter) or End Meeting, which will let others know the room is free for use now.