Occasionally you may receive toaster notifications or email notifications in regards to files you have either shared with others or files that have been shared with you via the One Drive platform. Below are the steps to toggle those notifications should you prefer them on or off. 

Note - by default, all notifications are toggled on for all users

Locate your One Drive cloud icon. In Windows, this is typically located in your system tray down by the clock. On Mac, it is located across the top over by the clock as well. 

Note - If you have a personal One Drive account connected, the cloud colors will differ. Blue is for Organization Accounts and Gray is for Personal Accounts - Mac does not color code these.

Once you locate your One Drive cloud click it once to expand the window and choose 'View Online' at the bottom of that pane. 

Once your online view loads, click on the Settings Gear in the upper right and choose OneDrive Settings. 

You will now be redirectedto your notifications center for OneDrive. Here you can toggle on or off whichever notifications you prefer to be on or off. Below is a list of the notifications offered by One Drive.