Begin Purchasing role

What PO's need cut?

Run report.


Identify which PO's need cut.


Find the job number. To get a new PO, hit enter and a new PO number will be generated.

Select which materials will be on the PO, then select the vendor you want to purchase them from.

Set "Ship To" Address.

Purchasing must check PO "Notes" (IOC) for the Ship To address. Materials may be shipped to Columbus, Toledo, Pittsburgh, or straight to the job. The PM will put the Ship To address in IOC.

To check IOC, click "Notes" near the top right of the screen.

IOC will pop up. Select "Type" and choose "PO" in the drop down menu. Enter the job number in the "Ref:" field. The job number can be found on the PO screen behind the IOC window. Notes will be presented at the bottom.

Exit IOC and update the "Ship To" address.

The PO is ready to be made. Create the PO (the Create PO button is near the bottom left of the screen).

You can "combine like items" and it will combine similar materials from different line items.

After cutting the PO's, you must "PO Print and Update" (Click the PPU button)

Click "Yes" when asked if you are ready to update.

The purchasing has been done. After receiving acknowledgment / reference number from vendor, select POE (Purchase order entry) from the main menu, which is located directly above the PPU option.

Find the PO that has already been created, and add the acknowledgement / reference number under field 20. "Mill Ref #".

Add the delivery/ship date under field 21. "User Defined"

Add "Promise date" on POE screen for reporting.

Click OK to exit.