There are two types of notes:

1.) Bid notes which apply to the whole bid.

2.) Line Notes which applies only to the primary line.

Bid notes

To store a bid note hit “IOC” while you are on the bid that you want to make a note on:

Once you hit IOC, the test box will pop up below. Please fill out the subject and IOC box with your notes.

Hit save IOC and your note will be stored on the bid. These bid notes will appear on the first page of the “Bid Print”.

Line notes

Line notes will store a note on the specific line. To add a note go into a blue primary line on the Line Items tab and select “Line IOC”:

The box below will pop up for you to fill out the Subject and IOC. This note will be tied specifically to this line and will print on the line during bid print.

To Print the Bid with notes simply hit “Bid Print” on you bid and select the checkbox to “Include Notes”

Your bid print will now have both notes and line notes!