Network drives and printers are only accessible when a machine is on our network.  Sometimes if your wireless is on, you may be on the guest network (COEGuest) and thus unable to touch these resources.

Prior to putting in a ticket please try the following:

  • If you don't need to be wireless, turn your wireless off.  
    • This can be done by pushing the wireless button on your laptop.  
    • If it is on the light is white or blue (depending on model) and if it is off it's amber or off (depending on model).

  • If you do need to be wireless, please make sure that you are connected to the wireless SSID Continental-wifi and not COEGuest.
  • Reboot. (This often fixes over 90% of temporary connection issues).

If you have checked these things and still can not access the drives or printers please put in a ticket by clicking on "New help desk ticket" in the upper right.